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Thursday, August 2, 2012

What is on this mind of mine?

Do you really want to know?  Maybe not.

I've been asked a lot lately why I don't blog anymore.  The first reason is that I've been so short on time with being a full-time student, mother, wife, and employee that the blog got put on the back burner.  The second reason is that what I want to write about just isn't that nice.  And, I've always been taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  So, I've been keeping my keys quiet for a while stewing over what's been cooking in my brain.  It's ugly folks, ugly indeed.

If you are "plugged into" this world at all you know what's been shaking in the US.  Universal Healthcare which includes mandatory birth control even for religious hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.  People banning eating at chicken restaurants because the CEO supports traditional family and is "pro family".  Politicians slinging accusations at each other relentlessly whether founded in truth or not.  The list could go on for miles and miles.  And, here I sit in my comfy house in the middle of the USA trying to take it all in without blowing my top.

The worst for me is the garbage on Facebook and other social media outlets.  People who call themselves friends are fighting USING CAPS LOCKS over these issues.  They call each other names like bigot, intolerant, stupid, and worse.  Christians are being bashed right and left by people who claim to be the more enlightened and accepting people.  All the while the enlightened and accepting people are calling Christians intolerant, they are not realizing that they themselves are intolerant for what they believe about Christians.

Many people who I see posting these terrible things about Christians lining up for a chicken sandwich but wouldn't line up to help at a food pantry is just wrong.  If it weren't for Christians, food pantries and homeless shelters would not exist.  Period.  And, what about those of you who have had to ask for help yourselves?  Maybe for food, gas money, shelter, or more.  Were the people who helped you not Christian?

When a friend of mine needed an item for an apartment, I asked everybody I knew if they could help.  Who came forward?  A Christian.  Why?  Because we Christians are leading the best lives we can by following Christ.  Does that mean we are perfect people?  Of course not.  And, God knew that.  So, His only begotten son suffered on the cross for ALL OF US!  He died and was buried, then by the grace of God Himself, Jesus rose on the third day.  For ALL OF US!  Later, He ascended into Heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father (God).  He is there for ALL OF US! He (Jesus) will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead (ALL OF US) and his kingdom will have no end.  Amen.

Yes, I am a Christian.  I do not believe in hate.  I believe that Christians become an easy target of political issues where the issue should not be based solely on religion.  I dislike politicians of all kinds as I think they are are liars, cheaters, and stealers nor do they truly represent their constituents.

If I had the where-with-all, I would leave this all behind and build a commune in the middle of nowhere so I could practice my faith, teach my children, and ignore the screwed up world around us.  But, as idealistic as that sounds, it's not going to happen any time soon.  So, I guess I'll sit here hiding behind my blog writing about what I want.

Especially when it's a day in MY life...

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