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Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Thing I've (finally) Learned

Boys and girls are different!  You're probably wondering why it's taken me this long to figure out such a simple statement, but holy cow!  Is it really that simple?

The older my boys, husband included, become the more evident this is.

I grew up with brothers.  No sisters.  And, looking back, it is so obvious how different we really were and continue to be.  While I love my brothers very much, I would not consider them my friends.  Not in the way a girl needs a friend.  Girls want a friend to tell them everything will work out, that they are right, that the person who wronged them is stupid, etc.  All guys want is a punch on the arm and a very loud, "Suck it up, man!  Don't think about it and just forget it!"  All you ladies know what I'm talking about.  And, while there may be something to that slug on the arm, it just doesn't cut it with girls.  Even though guys keep trying to use this technique on us!

That being said, my thoughts will be all over the place today.  I've got much on my mind.

On my mind today (and the past several days) is one of my brothers.  One whom I don't speak to or get along with...for all intents and purposes.  We, I suppose, are very similar in our stubbornness, but light years away from each other on our overall view of compassion, love, and respect.  Nonetheless, I love my brother and am very worried about him.  He is awaiting a surgery to remove a growth from his throat.  The information I received from my mom is that the growth is 5 - 7 inches long and is wrapped around various things in his neck/throat including his thyroid and his windpipe.  The surgery is scheduled to take 5 hours and has a recovery period of approximately one month.  The outcome is uncertain.

I'm so very scared for him and want to tell him that I've been praying unceasingly for him since I received the news.  This, however, isn't really possible considering we haven't spoken in nearly 8 years.  I don't really know how he's feeling, but even through his very macho persona, I think he may be scared too.  He has a beautiful little boy and I'm sure he's on his mind constantly.

Another thing I've learned is that when you become a mother, you want nothing but the best for your children.  You want them to be friends with one another, to get along, and to talk to you about their lives.  What I've really learned about this though, is a little heartbreaking.  If you have children of both sexes, the sons will be friends and the daughters will be friends.  If you have one (or some) of both sexes, it's going to be a mixed bag.  My brothers continue to be close, but I'm way out here in left field.  I'm a girl and have always been in left field as far as the sibling thing is concerned. 

I'm close to my mom.  She was the only other female in my house.  I needed a friend growing up.  I didn't have a sister...or a brother like my siblings did.

Boys/men grow up and move away and live a solitary life without needing a bond with their parents.  They just don't have that bond like girls/women do with their families.  Why?  I have no idea, but I've seen it time and time again and my girlfriends concur that this is true.

What I've really learned about boys and girls, thus far, is that I want nothing more than my sons to be friends when they grow up.  I want them to actually like each other.  AND, I really want them to like me...when they grow up.  I know I'm not the greatest mom, but I hope they will someday realize that I've always done the best I can for them.  That I never want harm to come to them and I want them to do their best.  I guess, what it all comes down to is that I want them to talk to me and respect me.  As I, in turn, return that same favor.

So, we've got quite a few years to go before the outcome is decided with my boys.  I will keep, as all moms do, loving my kids unconditionally.  I will pray unceasingly that I'm leading them down the right road and that they make good decisions as they grow.  The list really could go on and on.

But for today, this is: A Day in the life...

{Please be assured that I am an expert in nothing, but my own experience.  I speak from my heart and haven't researched any of this, so please don't freak out on me about that!}

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